March 6, 2025 logo

About Us – The Blog Creators

Hello and welcome, dear readers! We are very pleased to see you here and we want to thank you for your support, we couldn’t do this without you. As fellow appreciators of webcomics, you probably already know why we created this blog, but we wanted to make it abundantly clear in this section.

We will use this space to tell you more about the idea behind the blog, what inspired us to create it in the first place, and of course, some more information about us. We are happy to be able to introduce ourselves to you and we also thought it would be nice to give you some background information, so the blog doesn’t feel cold and detached from reality.

Who Are We

We wish we had an interesting, movie-like story about how we met, but unfortunately, we do not. We were just classmates who got along and formed a friends group that has proven to withstand the test of time and that of adulthood.

Still, two of us actually became friends with the help of popular Internet memes at the time. One overheard the conversation of the other (yes, very classy and totally not creepy) and replied in the only possible manner, saying “me gusta”, to which our friend laughed. Ah, it was a simpler time!

We should note that we went to high school in the early 2010’s and such occurrences weren’t rare. Initially, they were only reserved to those of us who didn’t have any life (aka us), but they soon caught up with the cool kids too.

Everyone was sharing the same rage comics over and over every single day without complaining. Good luck trying that with Gen-Z, they will eat you alive.

The Internet was becoming one massive imagine-oriented platform, which can either be interpreted as the dream or nightmare of postmodern philosophers. A beautiful thing born out of this new development were webcomics. It’s true they existed before, but never on such a massive scale.

Everyone could be a comics artist out of the sudden, and many sure did try. Starting off as a hobby, dozens of creators actually found loyal fan-bases and some of them now create webcomics full-time, which is the best thing that could happen to an artist who loves their craft.

Why We Created the Blog

We must have bored you with our lyrical retrospection, but it was necessary to describe it in order for you to understand why we undertook this project in the first place. Nostalgia, plain and simple. We miss the times when we were teens who were racing to be the first one to share the newest webcomic of our favorite series.

Although webcomics are very much alive and well today, they are not as popular as they were back in the day. I guess we wanted to recreate this sensation in our blog and hope we reach people who feel the same way. Use this blog as a time machine to satisfy this odd nostalgia for the early 2010’s. You’re among your own.

We wanted to dedicate an article to every single webcomic we read at the time with the hopes that our readers who forgot about them could get a warm feeling by reading our newest review. We will concentrate on webcomics from that era, some of which still continue to this day, while others don’t, because we want to encapsulate the time period that we still long for.

Our articles would include information about the writer/artist behind a certain webcomic, along with analysis of the webcomic, and our favorite strips over the years. We hope you like this format, which is supposed to bring everything into one comprehensive review with bits containing our own likes and dislikes.

Thank you again for supporting our newest venture and for still being passionate about webcomics like us. We hope we can become good friends in the process.
